The national park Nikko located in 170 kilometers from Tokyo, is too great, that it was possible to tell about it within the framework of one album. In this surprising place volcanos, lakes and temples have concentrated. The question will be about included park two popular tourist objects - lake Tjudzen-dzi and falls Kegon below.
Weather was gave out unsuccessful: since the morning it was established a smoke, all the day long poured a rain, calming down, passing in a downpour. To photograph, alas, it was uneasy in view of fears for the chamber.
The lake Tjudzen-dzi lays at extinct volcano Nantay at height of 1271 meter from a sea level. It is necessary to rise there on a twisting streamer.
On this road tightened by a fog I for the first time have seen in Japan the machine with a dent on the auto.
But here a smoke has dissipated, and in gleams of trees the grey mirror of lake seemed.
Speak, here it is necessary to come in April, the guidebook promises simply unreal paints. However in first half of May of coast look rather dimly. However, that up to me personally I just love similar pictures.:)
There and then there is a natural park, in which on will live extremely become impudent (on responses of local residents) from impunity and a full life of the monkey.
Near to lake the whole tourist zone with numerous souvenir shops, small restaurants, yachts-clubs baths on hot sources is created.
From Tjudzen-dzi up to falls Kegon which is taking place at east coast of park, some minutes of driving are literally.
Survey platform here too surround souvenir a bench and ordinary snackbars. Among other in one of them offered any fry insects. Frankly speaking, until I at all did not assume, that similar culinary Cunnings of Japan.:)
Survey platform Aketidayra is located a little bit above the top level of a falls. However to estimate all greatness of a show of overthrown streams it is better from than mountain where it is possible to leave, having gone down on the lift, and then in the tunnel punched in a thickness of a rock.
Water falls from height of 97 meters.
The deepest period - from April till November.
The guidebook assures, that during a droughty season the falling jet can run low, though there is a whole system of pumping of water pumps through a underground pipe.
About the top platform.
From here romantic suicides like to be thrown downwards.
Way back on a mountain streamer, only up to other party of a slope, even more twisting.
The screen of the GPS-navigator very evidently gives representation about a line. This hillside carries name Irokha-Dzaka that is rather symbolical. The matter is that and, ро, ха are first three letters of the Japanese alphabet, 48 signs numbering only. As much turns the road rising to lake by falls Kegon does also.
However, kinds from windows are not less eloquent at all.
Mountains have remained behind, and the wet tape of highway withdraws in Tokyo.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Japan. Mountain lake Tjudzen-dzi and falls Kegon. 24 photos.
Our new project:Ropes, jute, sisal, Джут, пенька, канат веревка шнуры
Japan. The country of the Dising sun. 1 photo
Our new project:Ropes, jute, sisal, Джут, пенька, канат веревка шнуры
Heart of the country of the Rising sun after a sunset:
Japan and Japanese - part 2. 43 photos
Our new project:Ropes, jute, sisal, Джут, пенька, канат веревка шнуры
To obey laws the population here almost ideal, at least if to speak about street criminality and crimes against the person. Legendary Jakudza - a mafia - are engaged basically in crimes in economic sphere. In streets it is not enough, but chances to fall a victim to policemen of the pickpocket, and the more robberies are minimal. As local residents speak (not only Japanese) climb in a pocket can unless in those areas where tourists are unsteady, thus the pickpocket necessarily appears the foreigner.
The secret here is simple: in Japan the highest in the world раскрываемость crimes (more than 90 %), that is provided with huge quantity of chambers of tracking and total "informing". However, it is not necessary to see only one negative shade in last term. It is quite probable, that safety and a quiet life cost voluntary informing of bodies of the law and order so blamed in Russia.
As I heard, among homelesses it is a lot of those who has dishomed as a result of divorce. In Japan in general many marriages fall after an output of the head of the family on pension. While the husband worked, the spouse communicated not so frequently: only on the days off and that not always. All time was taken away with work, corporate actions, etc. And then, all the same having collided closely on pension, the spouse frequently realize, that they another's people. To tell the truth, not clear, why the some people after divorce run into similar poverty, in fact pensions in Japan very high.
And here this Japanese, similarly, at all the vagabond, and has simply decided to have a sleep hour on fresh air.
Morning jog on the quay the rivers Sinano (Niigata) transformed into very cosy park.
However, for whom jog, and for whom - trip.:)
Pets in Japan - an attribute of a solvency. With rare exception dogs in apartments to hold it is forbidden. To hold them it is possible only in private houses, to live in which presume it is far from being all.
Policeman. I doubt, that the traffic controller. However what for to it a luminous staff?
And here it is exact the traffic controller though serves and not in police, and on a hotel parking. Apparently, rather brought up and kind young man.
Similarly, to these traffic controllers on the next parking (or to drivers of tourist buses?) it is not pleasant, that them have photographed. But I how they have understood would like to know, that I remove them, in fact the distance was a minimum of meters fifty!..
Such sensation is created, that Japanese love the form even if have no attitude neither to army, nor to police. The love to conservative suits and a uniform speaks aspiration to harmony in collective. Frequently all - from the fine employee up to the president of corporation - carry approximately same, not showing the different financial opportunities.
Road works can be met frequently both in cities, and on high-speed lines. That is interesting, they never prevent movement.
Politeness and the order on roads in Japan reign exemplary. It is seldom possible to see an example of a so-called aggressive manner of driving. Usually machines go in a stream, not trying to win superfluous ten meters risky maneuvering. Probably, therefore for all time of stay in Japan I did not see any road accident.
It is indicative, that at repair of roads allocate the special person, which all duties will be concluded in swinging a warning tag. It is a sign on respect to passing: in Japan try to put everywhere whenever possible employees which primary goal - to welcome visitors. And many companies on it go, in spite of the fact that would be cheaper to do without without such not so that of the necessary rate from the rationalization point of view.
In the evening at a bus stop. These office employees have gathered home only after some hours after the termination of the working day. « The code of honour » is those private: the above the borrowed post, the is more than time the employee carries out on a workplace overtime (and more often free-of-charge).
« The code of honour » has the same and the perverted underside: on Fridays after work it is necessary all collective (at least, his man's part) to get drunk, and after to part not on houses, and to go to mistresses or ladies of easy behaviour. Семьянины, after work going to the native center, quite often appear among colleagues outsiders.
By the way, to drink Japanese are not able at all (does not suffice in an organism of the enzyme splitting alcohol), but thus drink frequently. To tell the truth, for «отключки» the jar of beer (on responses of fans of this drink, the Japanese beer deserves the highest estimation) suffices the majority. In the evenings on Friday in streets it is a lot of поддатых and even frankly drunk, and the some people sleep off directly on benches. However, aggressive drunk I did not see. It is amusing to observe сморенного after a jar of beer of the clerk: in a strict dark suit with a tie beaten out atop of a jacket, with a portfolio, зажатым in one hand, with a cellular telephone with unfinished SMS-which - in another, sitting on sidewalk, leaning a back to a wall of a house.
Meanwhile till now the best way to fasten good relations with the business partner or the colleague in Japan considers a joint wine party up to loss of consciousness.
The widespread myth says, that all in Japan is very expensive. Actually it not so. On this account I have read through in « Branches of an Oriental cherry » very exact characteristic: « Japanese are provided with Electronics better, than clothes. Clothes - it is better, than meal. Meal - it is better, than habitation ».
That in Japan it is really expensive, so this habitation and services. For example, at good restaurant in Tokyo it is possible to have dinner together with a bottle of a decent French wine for the sum which at other restaurant would request for only one bottle similar fault. Or other example: even in the main street of Niigata there is a cafe, where the full dinner with meat (meat in Japan rather expensive) without alcohol costs less than five dollars. Well and the prices in shops are much lower, practically on all spectrum of the goods.
Earlier, in days of so-called bubble-economy when in the chapter of a corner development of the industry was put, on ecology did not pay attention. Then Tokyo have been shrouded смогом. However now in this plan of special problems is not present. In streets and in the underground people in gauze bandages sometimes come across, but it is the big rarity. And, certainly, these bandages - protection not from a dust and смога, and from infections, transferable in the air-drop way.
In a rush hour I in the Tokyo underground did not go, so special congestion it have not noticed. To be guided under the ground uneasily that is far from being all inscriptions and names are duplicated in English, and to compare hieroglyphs in the guidebook and on a board for a unusual eye very difficultly.
Turnstiles at times should be overcome not only on an input in the underground, but also in transitions. I so have understood, that different lines belong to the different companies, therefore the corresponding part of money is removed from the ticket at transition to this or that site of a underground. If to choose an irrational route trip to the underground can do without in some times more expensively. Employees of the Tokyo underground, fortunately, are very kind and always ready to come to the aid to visitors who have lost the way.
If to look narrowly, it is visible, that shoes to the girl are great the smallest for two sizes. Japanese concern to the sizes of footwear with strange indifference. They are universal enough for any leg so of a variety of the sizes cannot brag: it is allowable, that for пяткой there can be some more centimeters or, on the contrary, that she in part hangs down. The indifference to footwear at times accepts comical forms. For example, when during traditional pilgrimage on mountain Fudzi Japanese stop on rest in specially established tents, they heap all footwear. Having woken up, they take the first pair which under a hand will get from this heap. If the footwear will be great - it doesn't matter! But here that do those to whom gets small?:)
By the way, foreigners suffer from this tradition also. To me told history as the Japanese old man rolled from interior of plane " Aeroflot " which has arrived to Tokyo from Moscow, in boots of the neighbour. Well and that unfortunate разиня has been compelled to leave the plane in аэрофлотовских slippers as boots of the Japanese appeared for some sizes less.
Completely not clear, why, despite of cheapness of qualitative clothes, Japanese carry a lot of synthetics. The footwear at them too prevails rather rigid and inconvenient.
Opinion, as if in Japan very high level of salaries, wrongly. Young experts quite often earn less than 2 thousand dollars a month, that at an existing price level on habitation and services compels them to live very much and very modestly: to remove квартирку without a parking far from work (frequently - in the other city), about any foreign travel cannot go and speeches. The salary starts to grow with the experience. Frequently she depends on success in work, but only only from number of the years worked in the company a little. The strange rule is quite often carried out, that everything which are gone to work simultaneously and taking place on similar posts, should have equal incomes. As I already wrote above, the most provided category of citizens are the pensioners, postponing to myself on an old age practically all life.
Discrimination to a sexual attribute is rather strong in Japan: salaries of women are almost always lower, but in collective it is considered normal to give women the fine assignments which are not included in them official duties. Many japanese after a birth of the child become housewives.
Foreign languages in Japan know not so many people as I before believed, even English. Basically it, certainly, youth.
Japanese do not utter the letter «L». If to forget about this specific feature not always it is possible to disassemble their English speech. And if « Ritre size » it is rather simply deciphered as « little size » transfer « restaurant is ruro » I could far from being from the first attempt. It meant « restaurant is full ».
On such here to the lyrical note I finish this story about Japan and Japanese.
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Japan and Japanese - part 1. 43 photos
Our new project:Ropes, jute, sisal, Джут, пенька, канат веревка шнуры
This time an album almost atypical. Usually I devote the sketches to landscapes, instead of people which in general infrequently I start up in the staff. But today the question will be not so much Japan, how many about Japanese.
To apply for excellent knowledge of a subject for my part, certainly, would be too recklessly. It is difficult to make judgement under not numerous read books and weeks as a matter of fact a tourist sight at the country of the Rising sun. Therefore I shall try to state mainly the facts or to retell heard by me from those who lives in Japan not the first year.
It is considered to be, that Japan - the country "old". Really, older persons here suffices, though and it is impossible to tell, that they noticeably prevail in streets. However it is not necessary to attribute high life expectancy of Japanese to merits of local system of public health services. More likely, here live long not thanking, and contrary to doctors.
The matter is that rigid quotations are established on medical services by the state, thus the salary of the medical personnel does not depend in any way on a skill level. Accordingly, on the one hand, there is no motivation to improve professional skills, to receive scientific degrees, etc. On the other hand, a unique way to raise the income - to tighten process of treatment. I heard from local Russian emigrants stories about the Japanese doctors who treated patients expensive, but the useless patented means (the system of state regulation of the prices is not distributed to them), in a result lead up trifling disease to necessity as a matter of fact "gold" operation. And it instead of at once appointing fast, effective and inexpensive course of treatment.
The state understands complexity of a problem with public health services, but to solve her cannot yet.
Well and to live long to Japanese the healthy simple food, physical exercises and absence of material problems on pension helps.
Pensioners in Japan - the richest and rather numerous part of the population. Policies conduct struggle for their voices, but most difficultly it is necessary army of experts in marketing. Pensioners have significant money resources, however spend them reluctantly. To convince pensioners to get these or those goods - a problem not trivial even for skilful sharks of business.
For the Russian person it is unusual to see on roads weight of the smart machines creeping on small speed which rudders convulsively compress grandfathers and grandmothers, as they say, the present divine dandelions. Especially if it is such machines, as Hammer, BMW the seventh series, and furthermore - ultraexpensive European «спортивки». Last fact especially afflicts managers Toyota. However what to do, if old men prefer to buy machines of marks which were prestigious within their youth, and not so pretentious, but too young Lexus?:)
In national clothes in Japan go rather seldom. This grandmother in a kimono and traditional footwear гэта I have met on narrow улочках an old part of Niigata - a seaport at northern coast of island Honshu approximately at four o'clock drivings from Tokyo.
And I have seen these two elderly women on Sunday in Tokyo.
On my supervision, the youth extremely seldom carries a kimono. Usually only in that case when national облачение is the service form. For example, as at this traditional restaurant.
As they say on taste and color, but I personally after more than plentiful and smart dinner in the Japanese style have remained hungry. The feeling of famine disappeared only after I have gone to "McDonalds" and have stuck a teeth into a cheap cheeseburger. And absolutely I am silent how legs after an hour of sitting on a mat - татами before a low little table were ill.
The good-natured cook in a land-bar named in the guidebook a ridiculous name «Susikky».
Last "authentic" photo - a rickshaw (the correct name on - nпо¡ß¬¿ sounds as дзинрикися) rolls the compatriots.
For the information: internal tourism in Japan is advanced not as an example better external. Last has mainly exit character, that only not so long ago began to puzzle the government of the country. For some reason earlier it did not count up a difference between many billions which the army of the Japanese tourists spends worldwide, and more modest sums spent in Japan by considerably less numerous foreigners.
Probably, be a national economy in the best position, Japanese would prefer to not notice still specified дисбаланс. In modern Japan it is a lot of cosmopolitans, but traditional xenofobia is strong enough also. Knowingly all the same this country was fenced off by centuries from all world.
The Japanese nationalism seldom is evident to tourists (legendary Japanese politeness) affects, and here emigrants with his displays collide frequently (on whom Japanese meet every day, politeness is distributed far from being always). Is here and institutions « only for Japanese » about what, signboards, certainly, hold back, but the headwaiter with apologies will inform any come foreigner, that « to the deepest regret, places are not present », let even the hall will be completely empty.
In Japan very not ordinary attitude to children is accepted. Till five years them indulge incredibly, all forgive them, load gifts. Then the attitude sharply varies just what isn't needed: from children start to ask much, become to them rather both rather exacting and severe. On this account there is a local saying, something like « All over again it is necessary to concern to the child as to small emperor, and then - as to the servant, and only then it will grow provisional and respectful ». In practice it is frequently poured out in original cruelty. For example, in punishment for insignificant, in our opinion, a fault of the child can expose in the winter evening on street at some o'clock per thin domestic clothes and hungry. And the child himself will not ask the help at familiar, especially for another's people. It even will assure compassionate, but such silly foreigners that has casually slammed behind itself a door, having overlooked keys, and anybody are not present a house, but parents soon already will arrive. This history - completely real case.
Usually almost all schoolboys in Japan carry the form, especially it concerns respectable educational institutions where on the given account there are very strict rules. One of two: or these kids study in absolutely in simple school, or they just go on preparatory courses before receipt to the first class.
On that these girls - schoolgirls of middle classes, the length of skirts eloquently specifies. In elementary grades a skirt longer, and in grown-ups - short. Taking into account, that at the majority of the Japanese girls of a leg, to put it mildly, are far from perfect, such rules are difficult for naming wise.
In the winter it is even worse: from schoolgirls carrying all the same short skirts and white golfs demand. Warm stockings are strictly forbidden. Hardly probable it is in the positive image it is reflected on health, as winters in a number of areas of Japan rather severe.
It is a platform of railway station of Niigata. The input on it is carried out directly from the area. The umbrella in a corner of the staff deserves a separate mention. In many public places of cities of Japan racks with free-of-charge umbrellas cost. The one whom the elements has caught napping is supposed, that, can freely take a umbrella, and then put it in the similar rack here or in the other place.
Somehow Dmitry Krylov « Useless notes » has joked of the, that японок it is very easy to distinguish from Chinese women or koreans, having looked on their legs.:)
And it is the school form for boys. Fortunately, up to килтов Japanese have not guessed.:)
Rare exception - rather high girls. For the information: in local shops size L is European S.
The most part of young people outside educational institutions prefers all the same not the school form, and a youth fashion.
Thus, from the point of view of the European, in the field of clothes Japanese can seldom flash faultless taste and feeling of style.
Bicyclists in Japan it is valid loads and loads. I so up to the end have not understood a rule of their movement on sidewalks. As against Finland the allocated paths for bicycles in the Japanese cities practically are not present (but for them there are special lifts on bridges, etc.). Similarly, that as against link sided movement on highways, bicyclists keep to the right. Well and pedestrians simply go, as him it is more convenient.
Umbrellas here are frequently used as protection not only against a rain, but also against the sun.
Night life Ikeburko - one of «Party» areas Tokyos.
This time girls are rescueed under umbrellas from a rain.
What pretty girls!..:) By the way, these and previous pictures have been made in the temple city of Nikko where legendary shogun Tokugava Iejasu is buried. Perhaps, I subsequently shall devote to this place a separate album.
At all all Japanese are slender, in fact all the same the country of the Rising sun is the native land of struggle сумо! Сумо in Japan - very popular kind of sports having the army of fans and own financial industry. This struggle here is not less popular, than at us football or hockey. However which year successively champions on сумо become Mongols.
And vagabonds in Japan not so it is a lot of beggars, but all of them-таки are. Once I even saw the beggar in Tokyo, that for this country with its code of honour - the thing directly unprecedented, is similar to visit of martians.
Continuation follows.............
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